Monday, October 15, 2007

Summer as you've never seen her before..

"Once upon a time a young boy was growing up in a favela in Brazil. He lived in unspeakable squalor and observed some of the greatest human rights abuses which have occurred in modern times. Somehow he escaped this land of the doomed and eventually arrived in California. By now the young boy had grown into a hideously disfigured man whose horrendous background compelled him to defile others. He commited so many atrocities that he headed into secluded mountain territory to hide from the authorities. He lived off the land as best he could. One evening he was trudging through the rugged landscape and saw a chimney emitting plumes of smoke into the evening sky. He scoped out the house long enough to ascertain that the only occupant was a woman home alone. That's when he decided to make his move.. "

This truly disturbing video - Ugly Assault - is now playing at my Custom Video Theatre. It's not for the faint of heart.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

- XXOO Tanya


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